The“Will Santa Find Me?” Foundation™ is currently based out of Connecticut. Besides local domestic violence shelters, we work closely with Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital and Paul Newman's Hole In The Wall Gang Camp. We have also helped children in Long Island, NY; Boston, MA; Rutland, VT and Los Angeles, CA.

What makes us unique from other holiday gift giving organizations is that we provide exact gift wishes for the whole family, keeping their "Hopes and Dreams" alive. We reach out to children with terminal/chronic illness in hospitals, hospice, and domestic violence shelters during the holiday season within the United States. We also teach children the “spirit” of giving back to their families, along with providing inspirational resources to help the family heal during this difficult time. Some of these children may not live to see the next holiday.


WSFM takes pride in helping to grant the exact gift wishes of many children and families. One such special wish was that of Jordan, a terminally ill child who loved the movie "Home Alone". Jordan's wish of experiencing main character "Kevin's" adventure from the movie "Home Alone" was happily fulfilled with the help of many caring participants including: Joe Pesci, The Plaza Hotel, Remi Restaurant (New York City), Central Park Carriages (Cornelius & Patrick Byrne, Horse Charlie Brown), Ines Aden (City Hall, New York City), and Premier Limousine (Bristol, Connecticut).

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